01 January 2010

It's Twenty Ten!

Happy new year to everyone!! Hope your nights were full of fun, family and friends like mine! No better way to bring in the new year than with the people you love around you, lots of bubbly and AWESOME danceable music. The second the clock hit midnight,I got a really intense feeling that this was going to be a FABULOUS, exciting and very different year for me. I am one year out of college, one year experienced in the job world and one year closer to finding what I want to do with my life. Although for some that can take a lifetime, I think this trip to Argentina is going to help me find my place in the world. (Nothing wrong with hoping right?)

As I was sitting on my couch today with my hangover food, my hungover friends, actually WATCHING "The Hangover" haha, we got to talking about new years resolutions. My friend Jess had a great one that got me SO excited for the next chapter in my life. She said "This year I plan to take more risks". I love that. She then proceeded to say, that anything she ever did that was "risky" or adventurous has never turned out to be a bad experience. I completely agree. Looking back on the things I have done in my life that were "risky" seemed to turn out to be amazing experiences. It's similar to that famous quote: "Sometimes the things you fear the most end up being the most worthwhile". I couldnt agee more. This year I plan to take more risks as well, what do I have to lose? Nothing. With every new risk, or scary decision comes a new experience, and something to learn from.

The trip that I am about to take wil be my "Risk number one" for the new year twenty ten!

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