My time here is dwindling faster than the speed of light. It feels like YESTERDAY that I arrived at the Road house, scared, nervous, innocent and fresh to this wonderful city. Now, with exactly one week and 7 hours left of my "independent journey" to South America I couldn't feel more content, satisfied, happy, grown, experienced and changed by my last 6 months here.
It has been such an incredible trip. To describe this trip in two words I would say it has been a "roller coaster". There have been many ups and downs. There have been ups of having great places to being homeless, to being overwhelmed with not finding a job, to finding an incredible job that offered me free Spanish classes. I have made INCREDIBLE friends and seen many of them go, I have realized how important my friendships here are...and realized that no matter where you are in the world you will always find people like you, people who can change your life for the better...and people who will love you and accept you for all that you are even in such a short amount of time. A few shout outs to my most special and loyal friends that have shared this journey with me: (Tash, Byron and three were featured in my previous you wont be featured here, I still love you)
Leigh: You have been with me on every SINGLE step of this entire journey. I know I haven't written much about you in my blogs, but it's mostly because I feel like you are my other half(really though). We have shared the most incredible, guttural laughs that make me cry...(NUMEROUS times). You helped me find my own confidence with singing and reopened my passion for music and learning the guittar. You have helped me take life a LOT LESS serious than how I normally take it. Like Tash once said "you're just REALLY COOOL". She couldn't be more dead on. You are. I love you so much and know that these 6 months living in the exact same room is just the beginning to a life long friendship. I will miss my shadow next week. I am excited to see the next route you take. You are someone that will try most anything under the sun and that's what is so amazing about you. You don't really have fear..of anything, it's not common to meet someone like that. People who don't have fear lead interesting lives that the rest of us can sometimes get jealous of because we wish we could have that "undying sense of adventure". You beat to your own drum and people love you for that. STAY YOU!
Jessica: Well well well, JESS! You are one of the most interesting cats I have met on this journey. You are adorable to me. There are so many faces to can be so the same time that you're very hipster, New York and Argentine. It's not easy to pull-off all those great things, but you do it with such grace and uniqueness. I think you have an INCREDIBLE future ahead of you, I know many times, upon our deeeeeeeep deepeset of all deeep talks we have shared, you've confided in me that you don't know what's next, what you want to do or where you want to go. All I have to say is enjoy the ride...(and you do!). "It's not the destination that matters, it's the journey of getting there that counts"(my quote to you!). You have an electricity about you and attract all different walks of's an immaculate quality to have because it means, no matter what, you will never be alone. People just LIKE you...and that will continue wherever you go. You're a silent leader missy...keep at it! Remember me when 15 years down the HAVE accomplished all the things you had set out to do- I wouldn't put it past you that one day you will be fluent in Spanish, have written a script, designed your own clothing line, and traveled to Spain! Good luck!
Fer:jajaja WELL my friend, without you...I would have never joined a band, never got into every VIP bar/boliche/club, never learned the "argentine ways" never seen Victoria, or parts of Tigre, never known how much to tip an Argentine waiter, never got a 500 song cd with Cumbia, Reggaeton, etc...never driven in a car in BsAs, and the list goes on. I want to thank you SOOO much for being my manager, for helping me and my friends out in every single way possible. You have been a very good friend to me, always looking out for the best of everyone and you did it so happily. I can't WAIT for you to visit DC...just so I can return the favor. I will miss you dearly...but now that you have a BB, I am not worried cause we will be in constant contact all the time. Unless you become too important to talk to your "favorite American girl!" I will miss you Fer, thanks again for being my "best Argentine friend". Who would have thought that night at Kika when I asked that you be my "argentine friend" we would have turned out this close? Funny how life works out!
Tash, Fer and I
Jake:Hm, I guess I will start with a THANK YOU! Thank you for still being my friend even after the endless amount of times I have sketched out. No matter what, you are always consistent in your word and that is a great quality to have in a friend! I am going to miss seeing your reaction when I am acting obnoxious on the dance floor, and when I say outlandish things. I will miss my Montana country boy, but I am so excited that in the near future you will be my number one fan when I am up on that stage singing country. It's not common to find someone who shares your absolute favorite song..and movie!(I won't write what that is...haha). I hope your future trips are unforgettable and that you take a million pics. I can't wait to see all the places you get to travel to and I can't wait to hear how amazing you are in Spanish. Your patience and observatory nature will get you far...I always admired both qualities about you and your ability to concentrate so well!
Jake-the gentle giant on the left
Ian/yan: Aww, my first Aussie friend! Of course, you know I will miss your accent and your emphasis on "NEVER, and EVER". I will skype you just so I can hear you say that to me. It was so amazing getting to know you at the road house..and then living with you on Posadas street. It was nice having a strong man around to do the handy work. Without you we would never have had that incredible tv, and those tasty dinners you always made! I am so excited to hear what you do in the next year. It seems this was a trip you took randomly to learn Spanish, but that you were open to see where it would lead you. I think those are the most exciting of trips. You have to be a flexible person to move across the world to start a new learn a foreign language and you're doing great my friend. I will definitely miss going out with you and having you boost my confidence left and right...we were good for each other in that aspect! I look forward to your trip to America...I will make SURE we get that convertible, blast Elvis and travel from east coast to west coast. I will miss you Ian ....good luck in your Frisbee future ;)
Gabe:Gabe, you were my reminder of home while I was miles away. Something about your obnoxious language and your southern accent...just touched my heart. Getting to know you at the road house was so much fun...especially when we had the push-up contest( I think I won...but was sore for about three days). I loved your "whatever, do whatever" attitude, it made the things we did awesome because you were so easy going. I don't know how long you plan to stay here, but I hope we see each other in the USA. You're a nature man...and I can't wait to hear the next big adventure you take. I always envied that trip you took with just your backpack, camera and a map. I think it takes a lot of confidence and courage to embark on such an adventure alone, it seems like it definitely had an impact on you in a positive way. I am sorry for not always following through with our hang out sessions(I owe you and Jake). I hope you forgive me and know that I care deeply for you ;)
from left, Gabe, Ian
Jess, Alex, Tash
TO all the others, ALEX: you are the most adorable little Danish girl! You are mature beyond your years and too beautiful for words. You are the most endearing, selfless, caring and energetic girl I know- so glad we had that month together, JACQUES-my other amazing danish friend. I AM THRILLED we met, you are the most hilarious, fun, entertaining and all around fun-loving person. You made Argentina, the Road house...and the week you lived on our couch unforgettable. I MISS YOU ALREADY! JESSILYN- thank you for always meeting me for coffee, for planning that toga party with me...and for just being there when I needed you. I also owe you for letting me use your backpack for that week in Bariloche! Can't wait to char in the US of A!
To everyone else I have met, THANKS! I have had a great time! I have one week left...I am soaking it in as much as I can...going to as many cafe's, museums, markets as possible. Until next time...chau!